3 reasons why you should not rush home renovation

Three Reasons Why You Should Not Rush Into A Home Renovation

By Tom Coy / May 22, 2020 / Comments Off on Three Reasons Why You Should Not Rush Into A Home Renovation

Has your family outgrown your home? You love the neighborhood you live in, and you’ve made the decision to renovate. You’re excited and cannot wait to move into your newly finished home. You start making calls to find out which builder can start working on the project first. You have dreamed of this moment for […]

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Building and Renovating – Area’s that Commonly Go Wrong

By Tom Coy / May 22, 2020 / Comments Off on Building and Renovating – Area’s that Commonly Go Wrong

Is your home in need of an update, but you’re not sure what’s involved in renovating? Are you worried about budget blow-outs, time delays and the overall stress of the build? We have all heard the renovation horror stories, and these factors can have enormous impacts on your quality of life and overall satisfaction, not […]

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how to avoid excessive cost during renovation

How To Avoid Excessive Costs During Your Renovation

By Tom Coy / May 22, 2020 / Comments Off on How To Avoid Excessive Costs During Your Renovation

Do not rush into your design You’ve made the decision to renovate or extend your home – how exciting! This should be such an exciting time, but if you want to save money, the most important thing you can do, is to NOT rush into your design first. Many builders in the industry will request […]

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how much will my renovation cost

How Much Will My Renovation Cost?

By Tom Coy / May 22, 2020 / Comments Off on How Much Will My Renovation Cost?

Are you unsure of the costs involved in renovating? Here are some tips to help you discover if renovating is within your budget and what you can do to stay within your budget. I am sure it come as no surprise that this is arguably the most common question a builder is asked from a […]

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